I officially have a work space!!!

My Dad (along with my step mom) just got the keys to his beautiful 20 acres of wooded hillside. It comes along with his very own 2500 sf shop. (The shop is actually bigger that the house!) I have already "reserved" a spot in it where I am going to build. This way I will have a covered area where I will be sheltered from the elements (mostly) and close to all his awesome tools and know-how. He is going to be one my main sources of construction knowledge on this venture, and I am so lucky I have him in my corner for this project.

The view is beautiful and I look forward to many days of gazing out over the river valley. I went over today and we just say outside for a while because it was just so peaceful and tranquil. We talked about trees, improvement projects and the tiny house. It was nice.
Now I know there is one question that is bugging you.
"Hey Kelly, why is the garage only 8 ft tall? You won't be able to get your house out once it is built to its 13.5 ft total height!!! What are you thinking?!?!?!"
Well, that is a very good question. And my dad and I debated on getting a 14 ft RV garage door for the shop..... but we decided since it would only be once, we would just disassemble the door area when we are ready to move it outside. Simple, problem solved. I don't have to go halves on a new garage door, and I get to build my tiny house under a roof:)