Thursday, July 3, 2014

Daily Rambles: Wall Construction

What will my roof/wall/floor composition look like? How thick will they be? How do I find these questions out? 

I have been doing a lot of research about construction lately. Watching YouTube videos, reading construction forums and pouring over books. I have learned a TON so far, but I still have a long way to go. One of my major questions/concerns are the way I am going to construct the roof, walls, and floor. Also, how do they connect to each other and the trailer. How do I balance the right amount of material/insulation with having enough interior space? All these questions (and many more) drive me to continue researching construction. This is going to be my full time house, I want to be warm, dray and safe.

While reading about all these things, I like to draw little sketches as I go. It kind of lets me visualize what I have been reading about, as well as rough out the questions I still have. These questions/sketches are always changing. I thought I would share some of them so far.

I also sketch a CRAP TON of floor plan type sketches. I am constantly playing with the floor plans, trying to optimize space and functionality. I will post some pics later on. 

^ This is today's sketch. I was thinking about roof pitch, overhangs, and the exterior wall construction. I think slowly my drawings are starting to look more technical. (score!) Well they would look better if I actually used a ruler.... 

Here are some more from today

^ Then of course the sketches always lead back to some kind of detailed interior design element... My brain gets way to premature. Times like this I wish someone would just build the frame for me and I will do the rest, but that would defeat the purpose of building it all from scratch. 

Anyways, back to researching. Have a great 4th of July weekend! :) 

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